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I think that I am going to commit suicide. Maybe not today, next week, or even next year. I just have a feeling that will be the way I leave this horrific world.

6 replies

Dami @samlikealways

Whats wrong? Why do you feel that it’s horrible?


Take a look around. There is so much hatred in this world. Nothing is wrong. In fact, I’m happy right now. I just have a strong feeling that I will go out that way.

Rahul @broken2

Dude you gotta start looking at the positive things in this world cause like if you focus in looking at the negative part in this world all the things that you’re gonna see are negative… Try doing what you think makes you happy… Ignore the things that gives you evil/bad thoughts and keep what gives you good… I use to think the same way as you did but i think about it too much and say to myself that "this kind of life is so boring and just sad, there’s nothing more into it, its not fun"so the next day i started talking to my parents which i had a bad relationship with and made it better and after that i keep on hanging out with my friends more often and less internet/using phone and after a week goes by i started working out, Tried to keep grinding for a good body and now my life is Full of fun things… You should also star watching some memes😂

Sourabh @shawrusingh

Do you have parents


My dad died when I was little. I have no relationship with my mother. She ruined me mentally


Please for the sake of every good person in this community, don’t 🫂🫂😭 stay with us. We won’t dissapointd you. Sure some idiots come into our life and make us sad sometimes but we aren’t living life for them sir. We sre living it for us.


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