Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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i think i need therapy. but i can’t afford it. i was googling where i can get free online therapy. but i can’t find one and it’s making me more depressed than ever. 😞

7 replies

Deepesh Gupta @deepesh200...

It’s hard to find one one one free therapy but you can do yoga , meditation, exercise from YouTube also some apps too

nidhin @daydreamer_98

Let me help you

AAYUSHI sharma @aayu1231

Dude go for sandeep maheshwari sir’s videos. He will help you more than a therapist.
Read bhagwada gita chapter 2
And remember that all this non sense feelings are temporary. Join an NGO,help others so that you can meet with the best version of your self.
You are not alone,lord krishna is here for us

Garvit @gj_09

It’s really hard to find one that’s free , so I’ll suggest you to find someone with whom you can share your thoughts instead , cause sometimes we don’t need any solutions, all we need is just someone who could listen.

AAYUSHI sharma @aayu1231

There is no one here who is free to listen. Everyone have their own problems and they think that their condition is worst among all but its not in actual.

Garvit @gj_09

Well majority of the people out there are dealing with their own stuff but IMO, that doesn’t mean that they won’t be open to listening to others.


I have been there there’s no free therapies available you ask about any ngo near you they sometimes offer help , you can share you thoughts with us there’s plenty of people who would love to help you anyway they can


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