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Refi @mrr

I think I need help…!
I have completely lost all of my interest and will to study. Even it’s my exam this month i am actually worried if I will pass or not but then too I don’t feel or want to study at all. I think this is making me a failure as a person. But idk what to do. Also i have this fear to loss or fail that’s killing me & depressing me but I am not able to do something to overcome this, exams or such challenging event.

2 replies

First of all Faizan…RELAX…
Talk to yourself positively…
Ex 1)I am studying efficiently
2)Whatever I am(you are) studying is easy…
3)My concentration power is highest
Say this to yourself atleast 5times in a day…
And most important…have faith in this process
I wish you very all the best😊❤️❤️…may you get highest marks, happiness and peace🤗🤝🌈

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