Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I started cutting myself today. It felt better I could cry and all that anger faded away but not my sadness nor my sorrow. They are both deeper than any cuts. Only a vein cut can make it go away. Only that deepest sharpest final cut will make it dispear.The pain and scars are my tickets to surviving I guess until I find my way to salvation.

3 replies

I am really really sorry that you have been put in this situation. Talking to some one helps, so does exercising…the pain can be distracted. You are meant to live a healthy, beautiful life, I promise.


Salvation,for you what is actually mean?


Don’t do like that yarr
You are harming yourself but why
If you wanna talk to me you can talk
If you wanna share your problem you do that too.
We both will find a solution of your problems


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