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I sometimes think my mom is a devil, she never accepts others and always believes that she is right no matter what and thinks I am against her ! She believes everyone in the family is jealous her! But sometimes she behave like a normal mom. I could never really know her!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agape
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @agape

agape @agape

Hey there!

Thank you so much for sharing with us. I think it could be that your mom isn’t too sure of what she wants? Or maybe she is struggling with inferiority complex? Which could be why she tries to make up for her negative behavior by being a normal mom at times. Try talking to her to see if you can get something out of her, maybe ask questions like ‘Why are you angry? , Was is something someone did?’

Or you could explain to her that no one is jealous of her, maybe people are trying to cope with what she wants and are unable to, hence the poor emotions. Say it in a kind tone, that might help ease the situation. If nothing works, do you responsibilities as a child and love her from a distance. You will know what is best for you and your mom!

Sending love and light to you. ❤️💫


you are right but things between two of us are very bad even between mom and dad things are not right . Let me tell you that just to be away from all this drama I live in a rented room just besides my actual house …things are that bad!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agape

agape @agape

Oh dear! Then yes, love her from a distance and take care of yourself. Keep yourself busy with things you love. Mothers can be very traditional, especially when patriarchal roots are very much ingrained in them. They also have a pressure to do everything a certain way thanks to societal norms. Check in with her from time to time, she does have her good days. Maybe try talking to Dad and see how he could also help with the situation? Hope this helps!


thnx dear, you really helped me:)


Hey friend the situation you are telling is something that is seen in the present century alot. Some people realise this some dont and i wanted you to know it is very bold of you to come forward about this.

Current technology and the way things are today does affect mothers alot both mentally and physically. The amount of distrust gossip shaming etc going on drives anyone to be paranoid. The current feeling your mother is facing are tiny factions of insecurity she has abt herself and it will take time and effort to overcome it. Mothers tend to hold the principle of age and experience over everything and that is what causes the slight siding towards them being right.

Initially try talking to your mom about it slowly but sound enough to make her realise what she is doing. Do not be direct abt it cause she may tend to wall up and defend herself. Just slowly depending on her mood and comfort be open. It takes time to correct something like this and always have patience. Whatever you do never enter into an argument with her cause then even if she realises she is wrong she will want to defend her view about it. Take your time and talk to her and find what bothers her what causes these insecurities.

Once you find the insecurities work towards slowly overcoming these difficulties and it will again take time and effort. Make jokes or make yourself relatable to her situations alot of times ppl tend to move off cause they cant find themselves relatable to anyone. This will help you alot in the long run too.

Be firm and do take your ground when needed but dnt fight over something to get it right. Do remember she is your mother and you shld be by her and help her fix bit by bit not with clashes. Some clashes are unavoidable but dont try to win the argument cause that tends to hurt them more.

I am sure you will find your path through this and we can talk more about it as you wish. You got this dear friend 🌻🤩


thanks buddy for your loveliest concers ; I will try what you suggested:)


Maybe it could be because she s going through something too. Like the others have replied it could be that she could also be under Some pressure. If you’re into reading books there are loads of books on this . You could probably even gift her one if she likes reading .


please suggest some books for her (in hindi), thnx for replying


I don’t know any in Hindi. You can read the adult children of immature parents .


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