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Mental HealthThought


I really wish there was more awareness about disorders like trichotillomania. I mean I’ve had TTM for the past 6-7 years but I only found out about it 1 year back. I feel like it would’ve been much more easier to deal with it if I had known that it’s a mental disorder. There are times when I want to talk about it and spread awareness about it but I’m not sure if I am ready to admit it publicly that I have TTM. It’s also really annoying and hurtful to deal with comments on how my hair is so rough and dry. In those moments, I just feel like screaming it all out and yell at them that it’s because of my disorder that my hair is of such poor quality.

3 replies

Deepanshi @deepanshigupta0

Hey! Even i  got to know about this disease after reading this. There are so many diseases now, and among them so many are like we never heard of and coz of this we can’t analyse ourselves also… Like do we also have any symptoms too. 
But you take care of yourself and don’t be ashamed of what you are, just face it. And never let anyone make you weak because they don’t know what you are going through.

Khushboo @khushboo

Hello, don’t be sad. Everyone has some disease nowadays. Suffering from TTM is not so easy but on other hand,  you should not feel ashamed of it. Don’t flight with situation but fight with it. Try to raise awareness regarding TTM and you should be strong enough to admit it publicly. Stay positive.

Moana @trichyme

I’m too going through it fr 9 yrs now… The lack of awareness sucks!! I can totally feel u…


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