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I need to start seeing a therapist again…
Its hard to actually say it out loud…
Im having so many issues with my boyfriend and mentally and i cant talk to family bc they always are going to pick my side even tho the arguments are my fault.
Fuck man…
Im so fucking emotional i…
Fuck man idk…
Shits fucked up…

7 replies

You can let it all out here. We can try to help you.


Thanks… im so desperate idk what to do anymore

Sanket @sanket

Since you know there is some fault from your side, how can you identify the cause of your faults and what can you do to overcome them?


The arguments are my fault bc i lied about school and litterally only about school but now he doesnt trust me with anything anymore and thats my fault bc i lied abt school

Sanket @sanket

Lies always creates troubles in any kind of relationship.
Now that the action has been done, how do you want it to be resolved?


I want to fix things in any way i can…

Sanket @sanket

Convey him the reason behind your lie, the real one
Try having small talks on a regular basis. with no lies and no hiding things. If the situation comes where you cannot tell the truth then say so, but don’t lie

This situation will demand Time and Patience, put genuine efforts


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