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Mental HealthThought


I lost my mom 15 years ago, and i still miss her.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
6 replies

She will always be with you. I can understand what you are feeling.


Thank you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

It’s fine. She is always going to see you from up there and smiling at you and giving you all the best wishes. 💟


Thank you.


Stay strong dear! She loves youu alot and is proud of you!


I lost my mom when I was nine. A few years ago. It’s been rough, but I find what helps me when I miss her is to tie knots. You concentrate on the knots, and your mind floods with concentration. You forget all about them.

My fingers are very raw and occasionally bloody. But it helps me.


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