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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivaan369

ivaan @ivaan369

I lost my cat Today . We adopted her last year . Her name was luna. She used to sleep on my chest ever since she arrived she was so attached to me …even if i was working on ky desk she would make a jump frm my bed to my chair to sit on my lap. She grew up doing this . Sometimes i used to get irritated. Bt today i lost her . That street dogs that i feed became the reason of her ending. I feel so unlucky that i spent thousands to save other stray animals life but didn’t even get a chance to spend a penny to save mine. She was jst a kid growing up…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivaan369
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @starman

Starman @starman

i am so sorry to hear that… i hope wherever she is, she is doing alright and waiting for you…i will pray for her ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivaan369

ivaan @ivaan369



Hey it’s completely fine , I can really understand the pain as I too have a pet dog, and it does hurts even if something small happen to them, I really understand and I hope you move on from the pain and are left with all the beautiful memories you made with that kitty. Just remember everyone that has ever taken birth needs to leave the world too. Much power to you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivaan369

ivaan @ivaan369

Ik ik but its very hard for me these kind of situations are the only things that breaks me…completely…i can stay alone my life…i can work 24/7 …i can do all the things most ppl fail at today but someones loss is a nightmare to me … i nvr expected this so soon. I have 5 stray puppies at my home taking care of them… working day and night with one goal to start an animal shelter for all those innocent lives in need that is ky topmost motivation i have in my life apart frm anything. I can be all rough and tough bt not thi: :(


Losing anything is really difficult to deal with, but that’s how life is , you lose things and then you get things again and your emotions are very valid and even after months you will feel the pain but trust me it fades over time and you will get much more stronger and this feeling of losing someone is the worst thing but we learn more form this as well , and you are doing such a great job and I hope all the blessings of these stray animals will shower you with happiness soon. I am proud of you.

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