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I just wanted to again talk about the girl I felt in love with cuz I just want to yell it to the world but I can’t really.
She made me realize that this world isn’t as horrible as I thought Her welcoming smile and kind words made me realize there’s still so much good left in the world. She helped me regain my trust in people even when all hopes were lost, she helped me open up my heart that i had locked away not letting anyone in because I was too afraid. She helped me overcome my biggest fear, people. Bc she was also one of them but I could approach her without being afraid. I knew her smile was genuine, I knew she wouldn’t be mean. Because of her i grew so much and became a better person. That’s one of the thousand signs that proofed to me that I was in love and that real love exist. Cause it brought the best of me and that’s what real love does to you. Feelings such as egoism and jealousy/envy disappear when I’m arround her. Because for her I would do anything, and as long as she’s happy there’s no space for jealousy. If her and I aren’t meant to be and if she decides to be with someone else so happily ill never be upset because her happiness is my happiness, it really is, and even if that happiness didn’t include me I would still be okay with it. My love for her has grown so deep that as long as she’s okay and I can be next to her in any type of way that’s okay. Because of her existence alone is that in happy, I always call her my angel because she’s such a good person so caring, kind, thoughtful, always there when you need her, so unique and extremely beautiful because in her eyes and her entire self shines the beauty of her soul. She also came to me at the perfect time, just like an angel. She came when I cried everyday and every night praying for someone to come into my life, to be there and bring me happiness. And then I discovered that happiness I was looking for in her. I can’t stop thinking of her, dreaming of her,and admiring how great of a human being she is. I could go on and on talking about her. I love her so much, God bless her heart, I hope she can be happy, because she deserves it. I wish she knew how spacial she is. I bet she doesn’t think there’s someone out there who admires her the way I do. But there is, I’m here. And just like that, I’m sure other people would agree that she’s so perfect the way she is. And of course we all have flaws, but despite that I love her, I love her flaws her smiles, and although I hate when she cries I love her tears because those scars of hers are so precious, it makes her stronger, it made her into the person she is today. And she’s so worth it.

Was this too much lol. I’m sorry Im just really in love and so glad I can say that tonight we are both laying under the same stars, and that in a world of such big dimension and years of existence we met. True love does exist even if it isn’t reciprocated. If it makes you the happiest you’ve ever been and they’re good to you then This love is definitely true. I could go on and on about why this is so special. But you’ll know once you feel it. Also know that true love isn’t only find in a person. Maybe in this life you don’t have a “the one” as in a person. But I believe you can find your true love, in something that will bring you so much joy you won’t belive how beautiful this world actually is. I hope you find that light for you. Hang in there and be hopeful there’s something good waiting for you out there. Happiness is never late to come as long as you’re still breathing. When you feel it you’ll know. And no it won’t last forever, but it will for sure be memorable. It will change you as a person into something you’ll be much happier with.

2 replies

Wow what a * lovely * post (full pun intended 😂) But in all seriousness, I’m truly happy for you, you deserve a love that makes the world bright. And what you said, hoping that there is a light out there is really sweet. Thank you, I really hope other people read this too! 😃


Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. This really made my day. One of the best things I’ve read today 😃


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