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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I just wanna rant so scroll if you don’t wanna read this.
Honestly, it’s annoying that when you do so much for others and they can’t even manage to do half as much. And I don’t need any input from anyone so don’t comment if it’s just gonna be rude and negative stuff.
Friends really don’t know how to be friends anymore. It’s sad! This worlds just sad. Sometimes I sit and think how ungrateful some of the people in my life are. I do so much for them and in return I get nothing. It’s disappointing as f*ck! And I get to express myself how I feel so don’t even think about telling me otherwise. It’s disappointing cause they can’t even manage to put in 50%!! And that’s the BARE minimum one deserves. A relationship regardless of the kind it is, should always be 50/50. Instead one persons always bloody taking advantage and god forsake you stand up for yourself they’re gonna be such narcissists. Then THEY play the bloody victim card. 😂 Like wtf dude. I’ve honestly cut out these kinds of people from my life. And it sucks but it had to be done. Can’t be keep people like this in my life they’ll only damage me. But the only reason it sucks is cause of the bond we had and the many years of knowing one another. Guess the saying is true. With time all comes to the surface. Guess you never really will know even those who are the closest and dearest to you.
Have you experienced something similar?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sheldan_cooper
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sheldan_cooper

Shelly_Kutrapal... @sheldan_cooper

I came across this situation many times and it’s obvious in human nature that we expect a bare minimum. But one thing I learnt is I am I and they are they. That’s a whole lot of difference. Secondly these situations have helped me to grow into a better person by knowing the existence of different people and their nature. I pray that you get good people.


You’re right. It is the nature of humans. More so I’ve seen it happen in this chaotic generation than any other. It’s also because times have changed quite dramatically. Still, it sucks when you don’t get treated how you deserve to be.
I appreciate your kindness. Thank you for that. 🩵

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I’m sorry that you have dealt with the same experiences as I have. I’ve been through this with someone I’ve known 12 years. They only message me if they need something. Other than that they always have excuses “i’m busy” “oh sorry I forgot” “no I can’t go out cause my mom won’t let me” and yet they go out with other people and then post about it. It’s truly upsetting. We practically grew up together. It’s truly a shame when the person you thought you knew for this long could turn out to be entirely someone else. I’m sorry that you are having to deal with such people. I truly do wish and hope that you meet people who will show you the kindness and respect you deserve. 🩵

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

You are exactly where i was 5 years ago, i realised the exact same thing word for word and i stopped going out of my way for people, be it friends, colleagues, strangers, dates, hookups, temporary relationships, everything and everyone stands on the same ground,

Going out of your way to do things for people makes people take you for granted and they don’t reciprocate, that’s when you learn to love yourself and live with yourself and realise that the true one will come back, one with basic decency will show the effort of wanting to be with you, be it for a night or life and that’s what matters, that craving, someone wants me and it’s just not me pushing myself on them


I used to go out of my way for so many people. And you’re absolutely right. It’s not worth it. It’s just going to harm me in the process.
I’m still transitioning towards loving myself more. It’s kind of hard to do, but I hope to get to the stage where I love myself fully.


You’ll get there, there will be some ups and down but it’ll all be worth in the end, there will be weak moments but don’t give in


Hey! It is so true. Your feelings are valid. We have so much to tell to other person about how they make us feel. We try to do it. Yet, they do not understand it when confronted and above that gives logical explanation for our feelings. It is so frustrating that why is it not heard. Why there has to be logic behind everything about how we feel.


Absolutely. If we want to speak to our friends/family/etc about how we feel, we should be able to do that without being judged and without them making US feel like we’re the culprits. It’s disgusting when people play the victim card knowing that they are the liable for the pain they caused. I’m sorry that you’ve been through that. I hope you heal from this and find people who will listen when you need them to. 🩵

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Expectations hurt. Don’t they ?


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