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I just started seeing a therapist. I have traumas that I never want to talk about to anyone and I have severe anxiety at the thought of bringing them up to my therapist. Do I have to tell her everything to fully heal? Otherwise I don’t really know what to discuss with her and going just seems pointless. I know my happiness is important and I feel like my traumas don’t affect me anymore but maybe they would help her understand me as a person more. I crave being sad and having people worry because then I actually know someone cares but I don’t want to be that person. I just want to be happy and not desperate.

6 replies

Being honest about traumas is the only way out with therapists. Alternate solutions would be to have an anonymous pen pal or maintain a journal where you console yourself


Trust your therapist so that he or she can help you to heal properly. Otherwise it will impact your other part of personality and relationships


Idk if this is similar. Like if I feel people are not paying attention to me or the friends are now not closer to me as earlier. Sometimes I wish like I get sick and then they’ll come and meet and talk to me or check up on me.


Yeah most of my friends slowly faded away. And when I needed someone most they weren’t there so I kinda just let that relationship die. I know true friends will come with time but there’s no point in maintaining artificial relationships. Basically “stop reaching out and you’ll find out who the real ones are” it’s sad and lonely sometimes but idk what else to do


I am thinking of going for therapy. I mean not only for this reason but many other things. I am currently searching therapists but yet to select one and it’s very confusing like which one to select.


It was easy for me to choose bc my schools providing me one but I’ve heard many good things from betterhealth. Or i see this app offers it too…


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