Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


i hurts to breath , there is this constant pain in my heart no matter what i do it goes on and on it feels like it’s going to be there forever , i don’t feel like i can talk about this with anyone i don’t want to be annoying or seem weak in anyone’s eyes but it hurts it really does . i am having trouble sleeping breathing eating and having fun and being genuine with my friends i don’t know what to do it fees like my body is about to explode from the pain

3 replies

Hey. Not sure if you’ll ever get this message, but anyway. I just wanted to tell you that I know how you feel. I’ve felt like you described before, and now I was feeling it again. But in between it went away, for quite some time. Seeing your post made me remember that again. That it wont be forever like that, that things WILL ALWAYS inevitably change.
Thank you for telling me how you feel, so I could again realize all this. You really helped me. I hope I might help you too. 
I will give you a task. One day each week, do something new. Big or small, doesn’t matter. Go to new place. Eat/cook something new. Watch a new movie. Talk to new people, even if to just say ‘Hi’. Do something smart. Do something stupid. Doesn’t matter, just make it new. That’s all.
Sounds stupid and cheesy? Sure. Will it miraculously cure you? Of course not. Does it offer something new to your life? YES.
Remember that even though you might feel like it, you are never alone. I love you .


wow it feels so good to vent like this and have someone relate to how i feel , i will take your advice and hopefully things will get better with time, i hope you are ok too , let’s just try to take it one day at a time ❤️ if you need to talk feel free to message me here i would appreciate it actually


(I couldn’t answer to your newer message for some reason so I answered to the original instead)
It’s awesome to hear that I could make you feel good about something. Honestly it makes me feel pretty good too. I’m sure things will get better for you, for both of us.
Thank you for wishing me well, it’s been a while since I’ve heard some genuine, kind words. Your advice on taking it one day at a time is spot on too, it’s so easy to lose yourself worrying about the future. I fall to it all the time.
I’ll be happy to message with you here. Wonder if there’s a way to PM here? This is cool too though ☺️


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