Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I have too much things inside me to say…bt I can’t say in words…I don’t how should I express exactly… Also here I am too bad in writing what actually I wanna say…basically i hv a problem i.e. overthinking about the incidents happened in past either it is about my relationship or my ex -bestfriends… whatever is it…bt today I just don’t wanna to talk to anyone in family…I am too rude for my family… actually I m tok rude for everyone who know bt exactly this is not true…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile
Profile picture for Now&Me member @amankapoor
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @doctorsmile

Sagarika @doctorsmile

First , take a deep breath. Take a step back and relax.
It’s normal. We all feel exhausted sometimes, we feel like shutting out everything and stay in our hole.
But don’t let you emotions or overthinking or any stress affect you. I know you are strong, we all are strong. Just focus on positive things, try to keep your mind calm.
We can’t change the past , but we can’t definitely change our future. Don’t let your past affect your present or future. ❤️


Bro first you need to stop overthinking …
And if you just need to say or express your feelings then go on
If some one will care about you that person will never gone judge you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @amankapoor

Aman Kapoor @amankapoor

You know the problems. You are aware.

Next step is to figure out a plan to not be like this anymore.

Tell yourself what you’ll do next time when you’ll feel rude or overthink. Write it down. And do it as soon as you realise next time that you are overthinking or behaving rudely with loved ones for no reason.

One step at a time, you’ll be able to solve it.

Awareness and effort to be better is all you need.

You were aware already, and I just gave you the way to make the effort.

NOW DON’T OVERTHINK if the way I provided is right or not. You’ll not be able to reach on any conclusion, so you are better off following my method.

Good luck, let us know when you observe yourself improving.


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