Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Mental HealthThought


I have this thought I can’t get over… I had a very bad backpain for almost a year… Medicine was not working that well so I was recommended physiotherapy… I have never been to physiotherapy before and I had no idea How it was done… I also have pain in my left leg… So I went there for both… My physiotherapist is like 55 yrs old… I went there for a month then I stopped because he was making me uncomfortable… Uncomfortable in sense that while doing physiotherapy he was touching my private parts as well and he was acting like it was a part of it… In that start he was very professional and everything was fine… But at the end he started saying things like you are such a doll and all… Which made me very uncomfortable… The first time he touched near my private parts I thought it was an accident but next time he did the same I left and never went back… I can’t get this thought out my head… And it’s taking a toll on me mentally… And I haven’t even share it with my partner… I don’t know how he will react 🙂 pls any suggestions

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Inform your partner and report to authorities if seems appropriate. Avoid him for future and send an email reporting his behavior. Get a decent doctors. There are many …


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