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I have this friendish who is really different from me, she has different friends and just overall likes to go out and party. I dont so I never go with her friends this thereā€™s this wall in between us it kind off feels like she doesnā€™t care. sheā€™s really nice but doesnā€™t proactively go after you or ask you to come have lunch but only invites when she goes out to party. so in a nutshell I donā€™t know what to do should I try harder or just let go off this friendship?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @k9nzaki
2 replies

I think if she is ur friend ā€¦she will not let you goā€¦and more importantly, you should try giving space to everyoneā€¦she is not your possesionā€¦She has her own way of livingā€¦And if u ever feel like being ignored then that must not be her fault maybe she doesnā€™t know how u feelā€¦I have been through the sameā€¦So , what I did was to JUST REPEAT THE QUOTE **PEOPLE WHO ARE MEANT TO STAY TOGETHER , STAY TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT ** This helped me a lotā€¦maybe it will help you tooā€¦just donā€™t get sad or worry about this I am sure there are other problems worth getting your attentionā€¦I know itā€™s hard but believe meā€¦EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAYā€¦JUST DONā€™T LOOSE FAITH

Profile picture for Now&Me member @k9nzaki

Eva šŸ’• @k9nzaki


itā€™s normal to have opposite friends eg. outgoing friends vs antisocial friends. if thatā€™s what she enjoys doing she shouldnā€™t have to stop however i do think thatā€™s sheā€™s not considering what you like to do ; staying at home i believe ? maybe you should ask her to lunch, if she turns you down and says sheā€™s going to a party donā€™t get down. i think the only red flag in the relationship would be if you guys stopped talking ( sheā€™s always at parties so sheā€™s forgotten about you ) because that means you guys are drifting away. also donā€™t overwork yourself in a friendship ; if you donā€™t feel she is giving back the same energy than you thatā€™s also another red flag. sorry if my advice was useless/unhelpful xx


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