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Social AnxietyThought


I have severe social anxiety, I shudder and panic if I have to attend weddings, extended family get togethers or even have normal conversations with relatives. It started when I was a teenager, and got progressively worse.

I couldn’t function in a corporate job bcz of it. I am what many would call successful. I run a company remotely (thank god for technology).

I can’t connect with people in a light hearted jovial way. I have to be business like to look somewhat normal. If a neighbor knocks on the door, my heart races(with anxiety).

I feel like I’m living half a life. I’m already in my early 40s. Is there anyone in this world like me? with so much social anxiety :-/

I just cannot connect in person : I’m very friendly online, and that’s my escape, where I can be what I want to be… where I can be who I am inside…

I want to connect with somebody like me. Age gender doesn’t matter…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jordan91
16 replies

Sanket @sanket

You are in your early 40s which means most of the major events of your life are done, think about the one who is having such issues from almost the beginning?
-Not so good at sports, so no friends
-Bad in communication so no friends
-Tried making friends in the office, lockdown happened, was not able to connect with any of them so no friends
-Bad family environment so no bond with parents either

How a 25 year old should tackle this? No confidence in talking to people, have to give interviews but again no confidence and speaking problems, sitting silently for the past 18months and counting, no hopes!


I may not be an adult yet, but I think age doesn’t matter, social anxiety can strike anyone. As a teenager with social anxiety, I feel like I will never be free of it, it feels like a personality trait that you want to get rid of. But it just clings to you like a parasite. I can’t connect with people in real life either. Because in real life you can’t just undo or delete what you just said or do, you restrain yourself, that’s why you feel like you’re wearing a mask, why people don’t really know the real you.
Sometimes I think “why can’t I just do it like I want to?” I don’t know the answer. People think its easy, to talk to a stranger, to go out with friends at night, but in reality, it could be a person’s worst nightmare. I can’t give you any advice for I’m also going through this myself, but my heart goes out to you, and you’re not alone.


What are your symptoms? Racing heart? Any mild lip tremor?


my hands shake, my heart races, I stutter. sometimes I get cold sweat


Exactly what I have then. Hmmm


Maybe the fact that im an introvert makes it worse, are you an introvert yourself?


Yes. Introverted. And the anxiety causes depression.

I had it less when I was a teenager.


If one has severe Social anxiety, how is it possible to be extroverted:-/


yess, me too. I don’t know if its exactly depression or not because I haven’t seen a professional, but anxiety really sucks the life out of me. I can’t go anywhere without feeling anxious, thinking about all the possible scenarios and how I should act.

Have you ever went to a professional? Or counseling? I really want to try it, but money’s short rn.


Yes. I went to a psychiatrist. He attributed to strict parenting and a betrayal. I’m not sure about that.

I was prescribed clonazapem which does take the edge off , and anxit too helped. I rely on it when I can’t avoid a tough social occasion. Not otherwise.

Propranolol, a bp tablet which sm ppl (musicians, singers) take for performance anxiety(off label use) worked magic for 3 weeks, but after that stopped working for anxiety.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jordan91

Just joined this app, but literally your problems sound very much like my own, the weddings/family get togethers scare me so much… and then there’s the guilt when I don’t go… anyway I hope ur doing ok 👍🏻


Thank you. Getting along :)


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