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I have never had much luck with love , got played and thrown away like trash in my last relationship which was hardly a relationship , later I focused my time on building my career and skills to do my software Engineer job more efficiently and life has turned around , I am financially stable now , able to support my family and fullfil my dreams , but every now and then it feels like something is missing in life , I want to find someone who I can open up to and hold tightly and cry and vent out , I am too afraid to open up to any new girl , I always run out of words and I want to make an effort to meet someone but I just can’t , it’s been 3 years now since I was tormented emotionally and was struggling to get a hold of myself , I have had casual relationship but nothing lasted , nothing felt right , I am not sad , but neither happy , just in an uncomfortable space where I want someone else to make an effort to love me since everytime I did , I got hurt pretty bad…

13 replies

I can totally relate to u… I hv same issues


Heyy there… It’s pretty ironic that hope is replying to my post where I seem hopeless … maybe hope is all we need to hold on and to move forward , as Morgan freeman said in shawdhank redemption β€œHope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.” , but then the question knocks in my head when ?? What are your thoughts on it @hope94


Why u r saying this? I don’t think u r hopeless, u came here wid hope that ull feel better after talking about wht u feel, ull be heard by somebody so there is hope inside u nd also I’ll watch that u mentioned


Movie *


And also dint say anything… u came up wid all this motivation just by my username that’s great 😊 @biriyanilegpiece99


Haha…thanks for appreciating the name , well if you love biriyani you know how lovely the leg piece can be 😍😍 , what’s your story @hope94 ?? What brings you here ??


Arey wht I meant in my previous comment is that all things u said about hope u realized by urself, that motivation was inside u and I dint say anything so that was great btw my curiosity brought me here and m vegetarian πŸ˜… @biriyanilegpiece99


Well I do not know what brought me here , I saw an insta story about this website and thought about exploring , besides hectic working hours were driving me crazy , I am working on holi so you can figure that out how frustrating it is , I posted one thought out of a million I have and you replied , hence carrying it on over here , I am an over thinker but no amount of overthinking can bring me to believe that veg biriyani is biriyani 🀣🀣 , its pulao , tasty one though , and elaichi in biriyani hurts more than most of my bad experiences 😭😭


Yes! There is no such thing called veg biriyaniπŸ˜…its always pulao…


Glad to know that you did not find it offensive 😊


Ohw no! That’s a silly thing to get offended by πŸ˜…


Finally finishing up a hectic working day… Looking for some good movie or series suggestion on Netflix , disney + or Amazon prime , I also watch anime , if you have some good suggestions let me know ,


Forrest Gump, cast away, vampire diaries


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