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Mental HealthThought

Avni @avni

I have never had body image issues, atleast I wasnt conscious about them. But, recently There have been so many times that i look at myself and i feel disgusted. I dont like what i see and i try to avoid seeing myself altogether. I guess this is because i have been getting comments that i dont look my age. I guess that was fine before and i didnt give two shits about who thought i was attractive enough or not. But now, this kind of behaviour hurts. I mean, when you are 24, you do eventually want to be seen as attractive and even writing this makes me cringe inwards but i dont think what i am saying is unreasonable and unrealistic. People really should keep their personal preferences to themselves.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir
2 replies

Hey Avni. Dont worry so much about what others think. Frankly speaking, external beauty does make you attractive and people do want to talk to you because of that, but we all know thats going to go away in sometime. It doesnt stay right! We all are gonna age. And maybe not today but you might age much more beautifully that those pretty ladies out there. People who judge you by your looks are the ones you should stay away from. That a sign mind you!
Stay focused on your work. Try and stay fit, eat your favourite food wear your favourite dress. Be happy and stay positive. Dont dont and dont go near people who send negative vibes. Stay as far as possible from them.
If you stay positive whatever others say to you are not gonna matter. Plus you will attract really nice people around you who would not judge anybody basis their looks :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @banisinghvasir

Bani Singh @banisinghvasir

It’s so true. As much as people may harp on, beauty comes from within and you shouldn’t hear the naysayers, somewhere that little joke meant to be a “joke” hurts you internally and you can’t help but wonder if something is wrong with you if you don’t look a certain way. And of course, I agree I need to not take people’s ignorant comments to heart but it is about time people became more mindful and sensitive towards their code of conduct towards other people. And it is these very people, who do not have the heart to hear any sort of criticism, even in good faith, about themselves. Bottom line, people need to grow up and figure themselves out before passing judgements and start being more responsible and respectful of their actions (which includes comments and jibes)


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