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I have never felt so confused . I just completed my 12th standard and I have to chose between 2 colleges. the colleges and courses are very different . Some think that is not a big deal but for me it is a very huge thing I am scared of making the wrong choice. I do not know how to choose . Everyone says chose what interests you but we forget the people who don’t know their interests. Even if x subject interest me but I don’t know what fields I can chose after that. One side its a very good college and very nice course with amazing placements and that field is very popular and ever lasting but a lott of hard work and stress with extremely smart kids and I am an average kid plus I don’t know if that field interests me or not and the other side it’s a decent college and a subject that I liked in my 11th and 12th but there won’t be placements in that course . Placements won’t matter if I do this course becoz i will have to do masters after that. But the thing is what if I lose my interest after some time which is a possibility becoz I was not a fan of this subject I just liked it better than my other subjects. So how should I choose?

2 replies

Dear, this is a very difficult choice that no one can choose easily. May be my story might help, and here it goes. I got admission into quite a prestigious college (India’s top 10) in computer science. This guarrented placements. And the job market outside was at its worst. So started my classes and one month Iater i realised this is not what I wanted, computers don’t interest me. Then the local college admissions started. Knowing this I went home (mine is hostel college) and told my family my desire to leave this prestigious college and join mechanical engineering in the local college. The local college is a decent one but at that time jobs were naa…very difficult almost non existent (today job scenario is different though). So I came and continued my study in this prestigious institute. Truth be told there has not been a day I cursed myself for this. I did not Njoi my study in college. I got an average.placement. each day in the job is a struggle to get things done. I can’t change my carrier now from computers to mechanical which I love as I am the sole bread winner. Mind you I still have a very decent paying job. But if i had joined the local college I would have enjoyed my study, maybe a low paying but evry morning I don’t have to drag myself. So that’s the story you draw your conclusions. Love❤️


Thank you , ur story is really helpful. All the best for ur future!!


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