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Deepeka Jothi @deep_inside...

I have doubt about my career
I have applied for msc in madras University and now I have to wait for there result in August they Take upto that
Or I have to try for other college which one of the college phone to give amount to secure your seat like for 5000rupees it’s a very good college though
What I have to do now I have to wait and attend entrance exam of that University or just to take that college for now …?
(I just want to just msc and start to write net exam to become researchers…)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kayalcutie
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kayalcutie

kayal @kayalcutie

for now, take the seat in the college. In future if u secure the place. apply tc and take that place or not continue the college

Deepeka Jothi @deep_inside...

I’ll try

Create Account @snowdrop21

If your financial situation is great and you are doubting that you might not be able to crack entrance then go for this one. Have you applied for CUCET?

Deepeka Jothi @deep_inside...

I don’t know about that and end in 26 June

Deepeka Jothi @deep_inside...

Date has extended thank you so muchhh ✌️✌️✌️😇


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