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I have been smoking for 9 years and I really want to quit but always end up smoking again…

3 replies

Any type of addiction isnot easy to overcome…
N 9 years of togetherness
Willnot go off that easily…
U will need very very strong will power.
Let me congratulate you
That u have atleast made this decision that you wanna quit smoking
That is a significant step…
You will need to be extremely patient with ur self
Yes there will be withdrawal symptoms
There will be temptations
You will feel incomplete or suffocated without smoking
But u dnt have to give into temptations
Try to divert ur mind elsewhere whenever u feel like smoking
Throw all the packets from ur home
It shouldnot be able easily to u…
No easy access…
Avoid going to places where ppl smoke
It is likely that the smell will temptate you…
Whenever u have a tendency just chew something…
You can do it
You will do it…
Have faith in urself…
Watch documentaries on harmful effects of smoking…
Try other methods to de-stress urself
Good luck.


Yes it is really tuff and I have a really bada feeling that something bad is about to happen… Can’t explain this feeling… I will try really hard not to smoke again… Owe it to my family…




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