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Physical HealthThought


I have been feeling very lonely from a couple of weeks, I used to love my self presence before but idk what’s wrong now. It’s just gets sad and anxious at these times. If someone would help me to figure it out, I would seriously love that.

8 replies

Nishika Arora @nishikaa_08

Just remind yourself of your good qualities that why you liked yourself before…then think why not now…you are the same person this time with improvement.

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I do that sometimes, but I feel like maybe because I have been all alone from a very long time so that might be affecting me in negative ways.

Nishika Arora @nishikaa_08

Let’s chat in inbox…maybe I’ll help


I would love to, but idk how to open a chat here. noob and newbie both🥲🤌🏻


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