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I have been feeling very depressed lately. I am stuck in a toxic relationship. Due to some part issues, my partner is gaslighting me. I really want to get out of this. It’s ruining my friendships and relationships with my family.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ashu_2112
Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi
20 replies

What type of toxic he is creating? And tell little bit Clearly


He doesn’t allow me to go out with friends, I mean, if I do so, he blocks me from everywhere. He doesn’t want me to have social media.
He calls me in between my lectures and wants to see who’s sitting next to me. I feel like my whole life is being controlled by him.
I am really very attached to him but he doesn’t give me much attention now. He says I messed his life and blames me for everything. How shall I get out of this and heal myself?


First of all if he is so much of controlling you then I would tell you that call him once and meet him and tell him what is he expecting from you? And if he says… which u don’t like then u tell him that can’t happen… Be with me the way I’m or else u can adjust it but I won’t change say this to him… Even though if he talks something else then tell him goodbye


I met him today and tried my best to sort things, but he is so obsessed with his problems and his life, he doesn’t care about mine. It’s been 1 and a half year I am trying to make him and understand and to stay happy in this relationship, but things are getting worse day by day. He blocks and unblocks me and tells me he wants to end everything out of nowhere. It’s very hurtful. I have literally begged him that I just can’t move on and I can’t let go of this relationship, he says he loves me too but he is not putting the same efforts too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi

Abhijeet A.K @akabhi

Then i would suggest you to leave him now or else u will be more hurt in future and don’t think too much about future you will be fine and time will heal you… First make a decision


Why not… back off with the relationship you are in ? Jusz…“END IT”


I don’t know how shall I do it. I just keep going back to him and start chasing him like crazy. He is using me now. I can feel this. But I am so attached to him I just do whatever he tells me to. He checks my phone every time we meet but never gives his phone to me. And if I refuse to do anything he says, he threatens me that he’ll leave me.


Emm…that’s a bit complicated here…if this is the scenario…i feel disappointed to tell u - that guy isn’t interested in the "relationship " anymore and you should gotta understand this …u deserve a much better one …just try to forget him(ik its gonna be a heart-wrench but try to over come with it ) …clear all the things with him …!


I realised this thing lately, but at the same time he keeps on telling me that he loves me and is very loyal to me. I don’t know I can’t figure out what exactly is happening here

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Hello !!!
Read your thoughts & comments
There are somethings which you should never compromise with & mental peace is one of them

The way this guy is behaving isn’t acceptable at all
You do deserve someone better
He isn’t the one to whom u should chaze like
End this & have a happy life or do adjust if that’s the thing u wanna do !!!

Take Care!!! 💜


I am trying my best to end it, I deserve so much better. He abuses me emotionally verbally mentally and what not. I cry everyday everytime. But I don’t know how to move on, I just go back to him EVERYTIME.


You seriously do need help
Maybe wanna talk in detail in pvt or here I won’t mind !!!


Yeah show can I text you?


Sure I m not much active here
But u surely can text me @themeet is my id here !!!


Start spending more time with you ,read books,you will automatically get the thoughts how to solve your problems by your own . peace my friend don’t overthink just live the beautiful moments of yourself and be like you ✌️


I lost interest in everything, I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t feel like talking to anyone too.


I am trying my best and I’ll get there one day.🫶🫶


My dear friend,just relax if you really need him ,then start love yourself , people often attracts to the people who has self-love ,treat yourself good then others will treat you good ,if you really want to be better be busy with yourself in all kinds like watching movie talking with your bestfriends childhood friends reading books meditating,if the person was not fit to you then the universe will take care and give both separate directions.peace my friend ✌️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ashu_2112

Ashu @ashu_2112

You have the answer that he is been using you for a time now
Just take your time and make him understand so that it doesn’t hurt you more in the future
And never doubt yourself and it’s never too late to start loving yourself


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