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Emotional AbuseThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I have a very bad past most traumatic… I left my home bcz after my father passed away my mom hated me she does the worst things as if i stayed there they would kill me … I’m now alone working with my brother both f us are alone in a place … I don’t feel actually I dont believe in people , so called freinds ,marriages or any kind of relationship
But daily working dealing with toxic ppl I m loosing … I feel why m living why im suffering I don’t deserve ol dis ppl treat u shit here nobody cares u r dying actually own ppl only backstabb u how can u deal with strangers … n I’m jus tired of hiding … sometime I feel I get panic attack I get easily scared I get fully sweaty I still get nightmares , my heart beat jus run faster I can’t breathe coz f that … daily gradually I’m loosing my hop ppl makes fun of me coz I get scared easily while hearing small sound also . It’s been 1 year n I’m still facing all this without anyone … I wished I could be happy again .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @themonk
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @themonk

Deep @themonk

Just stay strong buddy and fight the hell out of everyone out there. I know it’s hard to go through all this all alone, but trust me this process will make u more stronger.
Still if u need to talk aur count on some friends then you can connect who ever you are 😇


Thank u for ur kind words

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

I can’t fully comprehend the depth of your experiences, but I want you to know that you’re not alone in navigating the challenges from your past. If there’s anything specific you’d like to share or discuss, I’m here to lend an understanding ear. Remember, it’s okay not to be okay, and reaching out is a courageous step toward healing. Your journey matters, and I’m here to support you in whatever way you need.


Thank u mam for ur kind words
. It’s just difficult sometimes n dealing with lots of ppl and having nobody to talk to or nobody is there to understand me … I jus try my best bt I don’t kno why for small things also I’m getting scared … n I don’t do it intentionally

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande

I completely understand that you aren’t intentionally causing these negative thoughts, but it’s the weight of them that pulls you down each time you try to lift yourself up. It’s workable; it just takes time and patience to restructure your thoughts. I’m here for you, whether you prefer one-on-one counseling sessions or chat sessions – whichever suits you best. Remember, there’s no problem without a solution. Take care.


I think u have been getting panic attacks …


Then how can I cure this … as I’m suffering alot for this

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