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Panic DisorderThought


I have a terrible fear of flying on an airplane. Although a ton of people gave me valid and logical explanations that I am completely safe, my body acts up on its own. I start trembling and sweating. The space I have is so narrow, the plane makes so many scary noises and I feel constantly stressed. At such a huge height I would never be able to survive a disaster. What if anything goes wrong?
That’s what goes on through my head everytime I hop on an airplane. How can I defeat my fear? Is this a phobia?

2 replies

Dalia @dalia

Have you ever tought what if you sit in the car and crash? Is it possible? So why you use car?? :)
Yes it’s phobia probably, but your mind should be stronger than your fear. Also advice - talk to psychologist.

synthetic @rustlesses

For some reason I feel safer in a car although, statistically it’s not. In my mind there’s something I can do to save myself, compared to the plane where I have nothing to do to save my life.
And how would a professional help me with this? A medical treatment that consists of medication or therapy?


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