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β€ΊPhysical Healthβ€ΊThought

Rameshta @rams

I have a real passion for fitness, I am a guy 6ft tall, 20, a bit muscular. If This information might help! Gyms are closed for a while now! But I find myself working out wherever the best I can find considering parks etc.
The problem is my parents won’t allow me to buy protein powder and I can’t even eat any animal meat since we are pure vegetarian. Now I can’t blame them since I am on their payroll. I don’t have a source for fucking protein!!! I am really passionate about fitness it gives me the self-confidence and dopamine spike which I can’t even find after having sex. Is there any way I can get my daily intake of protein? Any idea you people might have or sponsors etc. I keep thinking about this and can’t get any work done for a week and now it’s making me feel anxious!

2 replies

Make a homemade smoothie(gives a protein punch)…There are vegetarian options which I suggest are more durable than using protein for extended periods. Try to see a about peanut butter and other youtube suggested items by legends. Consumption of protein powder regularly is bad on its own.

Rameshta @rams


I do consider them, the most I can get out of plant-based foods is what? lentils, beans, etc. They are really high in fibre comparing the ratio of protein to carbs, while it does not even fulfil the amino acids profile. I hope I am not being too scientific but I guess you will get the point.


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