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I have a problem. Me and my little brother are really close and we both play soccer together but he isn’t the best. He just moved from under 12s to my under 15s team as in under 12s you get even time on the field but he doesn’t realise that and he thinks the coach is pulling him of because he doesn’t want him to get tired. Since he came up with this he has been running laps as fast as he can at training to prove he can do it. I have to tell him the real reason somehow but I just want the best for him and don’t know how to tell him. Any advice would be appreciated thanks :) 🙏

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk

The best thing you could do is to make him motivated , he’ll work hard and will get his chance … Dw time will come.


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