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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

i have a porn addiction and i have since i was v/ young. i have a lot of problems i don’t really worry about but this is the one that i never stop thinking about, starting watching porn so young in addition to my extremely short attention span caused me to get bored w/ normal porn and move on to worse things, through the years the things i’m attracted to have gotten worse and worse and more violent with every video. (to the point where i seriously think i’m a sadist) it’s gotten to the point where i can’t imagine myself ever having normal sex or being in a relationship with somone. everytime i start to get close with somone i shut them out because i think i’ll hurt them. i haven’t received any help for my thoughts and i don’t have any desire to ever actually act on them and i’m not in a position where i can get therapy. i just don’t know what to do, i constantly feel like a terrible person and it’s taken over my life.

2 replies

Well first of all I’m not professional, however it’s good that you are realizing that it’s getting out of hand and you are no longer comfortable with it. Watching pornography isn’t an issue, I myself have seen it at a younger age as well and I don’t judge people based off of that. But as long as you are just watching the videos for pure satisfaction there shouldn’t be much of a problem, what you do need is self control. You mentioned before the videos you enjoy are violent ones, before I say anything further please know if you are getting into a relationship please confront your partner about this and let them know about your interests. Now, some people do enjoy more rough intimacy. Just please make sure it is all consensual and allowed with the other person!
TLDR: watching porn is ok, when getting into a relationship make sure ur partner knows abt ur interests, and it’s probably a kink


Don’t worry about the type of videos you watch, it doesn’t makes you a violent person just from watching. However too much of porn of any kind can worsen your life, so try to find something else to do and if you happen to watch don’t spend much time and be quick.
The worst part of porn is the enormous amount of hormones that your brain produce, so less time means less damage.


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