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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pixwl

jj @pixwl

i have a huge test coming up on monday and i barely know shit. im trying my best to focus but i cant seem to study for more than an hour or two. i dont want to fail and disappoint my parents even more. wtf do i do? im trying i swear.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pixwl
9 replies

hey, bro) cheer up,
is your test that huge, what subject?
If I have that type of situation, I put some good refreshing music, try to take some deep breaths(you shoud too)

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You can watch videos and study. I mean you know you can watch videos related to your test topic. This always works for me. Just listen to the videos all the time and you’ll learn faster.


Do you put off things a lot, if so then get your act together now, as I said before which type of music makes you feel good, I know your situation I participate in olympiads so having big tests is common to me, first set yourself some comfortable surroundings, make a cup of coffee, do some breaks, and again what subject?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pixwl

jj @pixwl

im trying to get my act together, but its hard when i have old habits to fall back to when im down. the test counts for quite a bit of our grade, actually. so yeah im shitting bricks trying to figure out what to do.


hey, hey stop, don’t get your fears eat you, be stronger, you can do it) You want to make your parents proud, make it do it man, the sec you start thinking about your old habits, say to yourself " hey where I am going , I will be successful!" and quickly stop yourself from dark thoughts. If you want to cry, let it out, you can talk to me if you want. It is hard to make someone motivated and even harder yourself. You know what I say to myself when submitting my exam, I just hold my head high(no matter if I was prepared or not) I have belief in myself(believe in yourself) I say IT IS HUNDRED PERCENT MY SCORE IS PERFECT even if doesn’t turn out that way I know I put my best into, Reassure yourself that you can do your best(you will) GOOOOODD LLUCCK!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pixwl

jj @pixwl

i swear, you always know the right things to say. im in tears. thank you.


happy i was help of you) thank you, too. Have a wonderful day!!!


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