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I have a few questions to ask men specifically about relationships/love in general. If anyone is willing to answer I’d love to talk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anoverthinker
33 replies

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Have you been in love with a woman? What did it feel/look like being in love with her? What about her made you fall in love & stay in love?

Sibu Das @sibu

I have been. It’s a great feeling. You always think about her. You want to be with her all the time.

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I loved her intellect tbh…plus she was super hot…I fell in love after we started dating…before dating I was talking to her just because she was attractive tbh


Why are you commenting on my thread bruh 😂😂


So do you think that was truly love or lust?


Who me?? Idk how to use the app 🤣


Nah .not you lol


It was lust at first… what’s your gender anyway

Sibu Das @sibu



Female, I’m 19. I’ve been in love with men, men haven’t been in love with me so I’m trying to see what that’s like from y’all’s perspective 😂


Lol ok…where are you from


Practically speaking… physcial
Attraction attracts the guy but personality and peace makes him stay


Peace? What do you mean by that?


I’m from Louisiana




Have you been in love with a woman? What did it feel/look like being in love with her? What about her made you fall in love & stay in love?


you want a superficial answer?? i can write a poetry…but i don’t think you are looking for…
what’s your age and gender if you are ok telling

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I want a truthful honest answer, I’m 19F




Yeah sure :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Yeah i love to hear your questions

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anoverthinker

Overthinker @anoverthinker

Assuming you’re a guy looking for tips, there is no pattern brother so don’t look for any. Every individual will have a different experience.
You’ll feel the excitement initially, she’ll be on your mind all the time, talking to her will make your day. Even the girl would be feeling the same initially in her own ways.
But remember- it is the honeymoon period which generally lasts for about 1-1.5 years at max. You need to talk to each other about that in the very beginning only. After that it’s all about understanding and working on the relationship. You both will plan your future, your marriage, your kids’ name in this honeymoon period only but after that comes the flood of doubts. Even if one of you decides to make it work and give it all you have, it will not work because both the partners need to put in their work.
Everyone will find their own way in doing that. So as I said, there is no pattern except communication.
But I would suggest you to go for it. Experience it. It’s a wonderful feeling. Even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have an experience and learning.


I’m a woman, trying to figure out how y’all fall in love 🤣

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anoverthinker

Overthinker @anoverthinker

Oh. Apologies on the big paragraph then. Hope a young confused lad will read it and take notes.
To answer your question, we don’t have a plan or pattern. Everyone likes different things at different ages be it boys or girls.
It just happens when both of them give attention to each other and have at least some similar interests to talk about.
For me music is a big thing, so I mostly get attracted to women who have a good taste in music.


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