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I have a date tomorrow. It’s not something I should be announcing to the world perhaps, but I believe it’s more than necessary for me to seek some comfort ; so here I am.
My google search has been - " How to overcome social anxiety?" lately, but I am afraid google is not proving to be of much help.

Have you all ever been in a position where you know that confrontation is going to do you some good, but it’s easier said than done, so you keep on stalling it ! ? Because that’s where I find myself right now. I have been stalling to meet this person because the mere thought of stepping out of my comfort zone is scary, but I don’t want to step into the new year with “what if’s”, so I am finally ready to take a leap of faith and do something that’s scaring the shit out of me.
I am afraid that I am going to make an absolute fool out of myself, I am afraid that the last few days of this year are going to be awful after tomorrow’s date, I am afraid that I won’t be good enough, but if I don’t show up tomorrow, I am afraid I will never be strong enough to face my fears and that’s not how I want to be.

I will probably mess up my makeup, or my lenses are going to betray me, I will be so clumsy and nervous that I wouldn’t be able to serve some pasta as well, and my heels probably aren’t going to be on their best behaviour, but I guess that’s the beauty of being a human , right ? You get to experience things, you fail, you embarrass yourself, you make mistakes, but you learn and you learn so beautifully that things become easier ♥️

Wish me luck you all :)🙈

6 replies
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Hey there! Dont worry… just be yourself. There is nothing to feel nervous about… its just a person you are meeting. Just be honest… be respectful… have some good conversations. Before stepping out of your home,just look yourself in the mirror and say you are beautiful and kind.


Wishing you luck buddy.
Everything is going to work out well.
Please update us after the date.
So happy for you.

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With folded hands it’s my humble request to you please don’t ruin this beautiful community.


Glad the creep is gone after i tagged the admins.


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