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β€ΊSocial Anxietyβ€ΊThought


I fricking hate being so afraid of being judged. One random person on the street, whom I will see again, will not change me if they think I’m weird. I don’t want to be hated and be alone forever but at this point, I will be alone forever because I avoid people as if they were zombies. I wish I could talk. I know I shouldn’t beat myself up but why am I such a coward? I would do this with my user because nobody on here would know who I am, but I am so scared. I just want everyone to like me so I won’t be alone. I have a therapist but I am so scared, it’s his job to help me but I am just scared that he would think I am nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man. I don’t want that. I barely know what I want, I know what I like but other people are barely there. And watch me hide away from all the good-forsaken notifications from people possibly responding. Someone at my school from my class was getting me and a few others in the class presents and they asked me what I wanted but all I could do was hide in my jacket. All they did was ask me what I wanted I would tell them chocolate I wanted nothing crazy but I was too afraid that they would hate me. Why me? What did I do? In a past life was a mass murderer and this is my karma.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iam_melina
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @iam_melina

Melina @iam_melina


Trust me you’re just like me. So i cannot advice you because I’m damaged tooπŸ˜‚πŸ™‚
But hey, the therapist thing? He/she is the one you should be open to. Don’t have any second thoughts and insecurity uske liye, because that’s what you’re seeing him
Jaise doctor ko har symptom bata ke hi ilaaj ho skta hai, you have to feel free with him.

🌼And nobody thinks of us, as much as we do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77

Jasspreet @jassie77


You will have to change this mindset someday. Think of that as a phase and you have to find a way to get out of that thinking. Try new things . Take some risks otherwise you will never learn. Life is short… Don’t bother about others. Do what your heart says


Dude we live In a universe that’s 100,000 lights yrs wide that’s about 600 quadrillion yrs inside of all that is you who is a tiny tiny portion of earth. So what im trying to say is that ur presence is actually very insignificant to others I’m not saying this to demotivate you but to show u that the things that u do or like or do not like doesn’t really matter that much to others. so do u what u what to do what u like to do and don’t I mean DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT OTHERS OPINIONS okay,cuz it doesn’t really funking matter!!


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