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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I feel so lost, empty, worthless, unproductive, exhausted and I’m questioning the purpose of my living.
I’m just a simple girl before who is very passionate, joyful, creative and innocent. I’m already happy with my friends and my family, but then the world starts to open my eyes in reality. I started to drink and to come home late. But God sent me a guy who gave meaning to my life, he help me to leave my bad habits and save me from my toxic friends. We were so happy at first, but time comes that he’s starting to change and he want to end up our relationship. It hurts so much because I gave everything to him, even my virginity. He promise me that he won’t leave me, I believed in him because he’s a good man and we’re legal both sides in our family. I trust him so much that’s why I depend my life on him, but I don’t have a choice because he don’t love me anymore, so even I beg him to stay is we still end up to break up. After that, I got back to my habits and it got worst. I drink irresponsibly and come home in the next morning. At first, I was enjoying my freedom, but when one night that there’s a boy who fucked me coz I’m drunk, it boost up my insecurities. I feel so disgusting, I feel like I’m a trash and I don’t know anymore. Then last night, it happened again, a guy fucked me then gone. I don’t want it to happen but he was pushing me and I’m scared. I don’t know anymore, I’m so ashamed to my parents. I hate myself. I don’t feel to live anymore coz I think I don’t deserve anything on this world.

Take note: I’m just 18 and my family is so traditional and respectable, that’s why I’m ashamed of myself.


Profile picture for Now&Me member @stranger77
3 replies

I hear how painful that is through your words. There are a lot of people who also deal with this. There is nothing to be ashamed of, it affects a lot of us.

You’ve exhibited great courage in taking the first step by reaching out. By explaining what you’re undergoing, you have identified the potential markers of where this pain is coming from and this is extremely important.

If I look back on my life, I’ve done some things that I’m not proud of as well. The first step to getting through a break up is to acknowledge the feelings that come with the break up. Sometimes it is difficult to admit that you are feeling down. Other times, you may find it difficult to hold back your emotions. Working through your feelings is important. However, it is also important to find balance.

Working on yourself and towards your goals is one of the best ways to make your parents proud as well. Recognising that you want to make your parents proud is also a step in the right direction… but making sure that you look after your own well being in the process is more important and should come first.


Spend some time expressing your emotions.
Share your feelings with close friends who can remain balanced and empathetic.


Ignore positive feelings or experiences. It can be easy to let the break up color your view of everything else. Some people start to view life as either all bad or all good, which makes it difficult for them to recover from the break up.

Spend a lot of time with friends who increase your negative feelings.

If you feel that you need specialized professional assistance please visit the below link:

You are an amazing human being and sometimes we just need to be reminded of that from time to time. You’re in a safe space and we’re here for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @stranger77

HEY, let me say you people make mistakes but don’t regret coz you learn from your mistakes. Each one of us are a piece of diamond and platinum brought up on Earth. No one is perfect in this world. We are perfectly imperfect and that is perfectly all right. BE KIND TO YOURSELF… LOVE YOURSELF…LISTEN TO YOURSELF WHAT YOU WANNA WANT TO DO…


Hey bby hope you’re day is going well. Remember you’re not alone i get it if you’re scared but pls pls dont do any harm to yourself youre beautiful and everyone makes mistakes and people have to understand that right now i will give you some things you can do to make you feel better.

Here’s something that i hope will make you feel better. If you like music, put all the music you want, whether is k-pop, rock, pop, hip hop, rap, etc. just put it and cry. The truth is, crying can make you relieved, crying is the way the human body can let out all those emotions but also remember to take deep breaths so you don’t have a panic attack, it sounds difficult, but i promise it isnt. When you finish crying, if you dont fall asleep, i want you to watch your favorite movie or your favorite youtuber or something that just makes you laugh, even a quick smile is enough.

If that doesn’t work, then try to fall asleep. Sleeping will give you back all that energy and when you wake up, its most likely you’re going to feel relieved even if it’s for only 5 minutes. Then, if you have energy, go take a shower and make sure you sing while showering, that makes stress go away, then do some yoga or meditate, or watch a movie, just do something that will help you relax.

Hope this works, remember to eat, and remember you are enough, dont give up the world and many other people need you.
I love you

~Anonymous <3


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