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leah @leah_

i feel so alone. me and my boyfriend of 1 year and almost 3 months broke up earlier this month. he was toxic and everyone told me he was. i ignored all the red flags because i loved him and i still do. i can’t let go of him. he has already moved on from me in less than 2 weeks after we broke up. i am so emotionally attached to him and i can’t learn to let him go. he acted like i meant nothing to him. i just don’t understand how he could move on so fast
after all the time we spent together. i am so lost and confused. it hurts so l much to see him with someone else. i don’t know how i can go on without him even though he treated me so bad. everyone says that i am strong for leaving but i don’t feel strong at all. can anyone help me?

18 replies

Aaron Kirk @ap1111

Seek a counselor ASAP

leah @leah_


Aaron Kirk @ap1111

Because a toxic relationship is not healthy, physically and mentally

leah @leah_

yes i know but i’m just so attached.


It’s very simple the person who loves you, cares for you will never treat anyone like this. I dont understand y people tend to get attracted to the one who misbehaves and does not treat well. Do you have answer to that? When other treats you wrong u will stand for yourself but when it comes to the person u love, u want to sacrifice and tolerate all the nuisance. Come on u have not been raised for this…u r better than that

leah @leah_

he wasn’t toxic when the relationship first started.


But now u know the reality…dont you? I know someone who was onto this…you gotta love yourself and stand for yourself. U cannot be taken for granted.

leah @leah_

i am trying to love myself but it’s hard to when someone impacts that on a different level.


It does coz we get emotionally attached but it’s time for you to face the reality. You are a very good person and you deserve the best one. This is a part of phase where most of the people go through this once in their life. This is something will teach you a good lesson and make u even stronger.

leah @leah_

thank you so much for this. i will try my best


As mentioned in the previous comments you can seek for counselling or may be your friend who can act maturely and advise can help.Trust me I have been in the relationship for 7 years when through the same similar situation.I am not saying that you will not feel any pain after this comment but just one small advise you have to first accept that that part of story ended for you and give it time.Believe in “this too shall pass”.I had very bad times but I had to stick to that one quote in very true sense to come out of it.I hope you have a nice day.please try and build a life with your friends without his discussions try something diff always you may feel better

leah @leah_

thank you i will try my best. it is just hard because he was my actual first love.


You definitely deserve better. Good things that you did not spend too much time with him. Good riddance of bad rubbish, as they say. I had this feeling too when I broke up with my boyfriend. I thought I would not be able to see it. Then slowly started feeling bad for the other girl and all the crap she will have to tolerate from him. Eventually, I felt better that it does not have to be me and that I am free from that toxic shit.

leah @leah_

yeah everyone is telling me i did the right thing for leaving but things don’t seem to be getting better.

Tani Rawat @taaaaniiii

Listen to me you, if you weren’t strong you couldn’t have taken the big step of breaking up, it’s just that you gotta deal with the consequences. Ik it must be very hard because I’m going through the same thing i broke up yesterday itself and idk how to deal with all these feelings but ik we’re gonna make it and we’ll be happy again. Just don’t lose hope. And just forgive him for all that he’s done to you because until you do that you’ll always stay hurt and it’ll get more difficult for you to move on. Try and go out on dates just try and distract yourself

leah @leah_

i don’t think i can ever forgive him. he hurt me so bad


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