Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


I feel relaxed when I have accomplished something at the end of each day. Knowing I tried my best and I keep up with everything necessary it’s not weighing on my mind.

Having that balance of responsibility and fun w family and friends and good times. Moderation is key.

Making sure to only let positive people around me and cozy blankets, warm baths and plenty of sleep and some sort of exercise and it helps to have A healthy support system and and a comfortable surroundings to have downtime to yourself. Prayers and quiet time work well. I feel relaxed with that

we have our own stress relievers as well. Nevertheless, Here are some of the things that I do when I feel relaxed

- When i help someone who really needs help and i get that look from that
person. It not only relaxes me, but it feels amazingly spiritual. I believe that is the reason why we are born in this earth - to help someone in need.
- When I walk along a sandy beach reflecting the day, the month, the year, my life.
- Take a looooooong walk. Or run.
- Put the earphones on, and listen to some rock/pop songs randomly, obviously in full volume. (Not the ones I know of)
- Just pick a silent corner, and sit and do nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Call a friend and vent it out.
- Sleep. (Sometimes sleep is the best escape, because when you wake up, you wake up fresh, and then you can make better decisions)
- Watch comedy videos, be it a stand-up or any webseries.
- Write. I convert the stress to words and leave it on paper.
- Cooking an easy but delicious dish
That’s all I do. Hope it helps.

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