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I feel pathetic today .my husband disrespects me and never give time to me .i keep my self all made up he doesnt have time ro even look at me .my friends says he so unlucky that he has such a beautiful wife but he doesnt care .all he cares abt is his work. No time for family .today he again disrespected me .they was some document which was waste but had both of our details in it like name and all .i put both the documents in dustbin .he was like this is how much u respect me u threw the paper that had my name and photo in dustbin ,i replied i threw mine as well .he said you may belong to dustbin not me .i hated it .i ended up crying

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandeep16
9 replies

Don’t take it the wrong way, but beauty is more than skin deep. If there’s a disconnect between you and your husband, it may have more to do with something that’s not being communicated. From what I’ve learned…communication is key and should be your first resort when it comes to these matters. It may have nothing to do with your appearance… Heck, if you’re married than of course he thought you were beautiful, right? But also if you believe you are then dont let anyone not make you believe you aren’t. That is wrong of him to say that to you, but it definitely sounds like there is a miscommunication.


He doesnt like to talk .not just to me to anyone .he hatdly speaks .Its been 6 years of our marraige .i have tried everything .now wen i even ask him to sit for two mins he is like i dont have time for all this .he has multiple issues .he has depression OCD and many more .and i have been dealing with all those all i want it to talk to him for couple of mins .you will not believe i knly gef a hug from him wen he wants to have sex .otherwise no .which happens once a week .n believe b now after putting so many efforts to make tjos relationship better .now wen he even come close to me i feel disgusting .feel like i am someone he only uses .i hate that feeling

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandeep16

Sandeep @sandeep16

The problem is you guys need to sit and sort out things by communicating.Just say him how important is he in your life, give all your love and you will be loved back. Right communication makes your relationship stronger. If you feel lonely we are here to help you out.


Its been 6 years of our marraige .i have tried everything .now wen i even ask him to sit for two mins he is like i dont have time for all this .he has multiple issues .he has depression OCD and many more .and i have been dealing with all those all i want it to talk to him for couple of mins .you will not believe i knly gef a hug from him wen he wants to have sex .otherwise no .which happens once a week .n believe b now after putting so many efforts to make tjos relationship better .now wen he even come close to me i feel disgusting .feel like i am someone he only uses .i hate that feeling.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandeep16

Sandeep @sandeep16

I hope this is getting worse day by day.The only thing left is have a negotiation with both the families and having a final conclusion.But don’t get low, you have your own value and dont’t let others let it down. Stay happy and interact as we are here for you.


I hope any of families wud support me .both sides thinks AS I AM A WOMEN I SHOULD ADJUST


today I was feeling very anxious and low .i went to a frnds place had some work .i literally screamed and cried .because i had to .to keep going it was up until neck .feeling a lil better .feels like can deal with some more shit in life .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandeep16

Sandeep @sandeep16

Yes your are strong enough to deal with such shit. Keep going and try to sort out the problems.You are more than you think . Stay happy and we are here to supprt you always


I feel like i m an object not human .i am nt feeling well from couple of day as i have shifted to a new place its been hectic .i cant eat properly too .today i hat some food in the morning and now its almost next day .and i hadnt had any thing .i called him in the evening to tell him how i feel he heard everything n said you shud have thought of all this before we moved out of your moms place and startdd leavin separately. I cudnt bare it i disconnected.i didnt have my supper or dinner and he came around 2 am and i slept then .i have my shift from 5 am i got up at the alarm and i see he is rt in front of me and very close .because you wanted to have sex .this time i told him i dont want to i dont feel good.he said dont spoil my mood . I m like i am not in a good mood and also nt feeling well .he replies its ok it just takes 10 to 15 mins .i literally got angry n said y dont you think abt my feeling once he is like we will talk all this later i need it nw . I literally had sex without feeling anything all i was feeling was i am just an object or some prostitute whoz feelings doesnt matter .n after having sex he said I love you as he only says that 4 timea in a week that too only after sex n i didnt reply to it .and believe me it didnt bother him and after he got fresh up he ask me how was it .i said i was nt even ready .i literally unheard it and went off .like that question was just for the sake of asking .is this not called marital rape .i felt that .i hate this feeling .i feel so pathetic. I want to cry but i cant…


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