Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel numb hurt and done . I feel like no matter what I do I fuck up im just a fuck up all ways have been always will be . Think I just lost my roomate as a friend she is my only friend now I’m back down to 0 I dont want to try any more I hurt i hurt so much I don’t know what do do .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyawahi
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @priyawahi

Priya Wahi @priyawahi

how about explaining things and making her understand? just say “In the past I have taken you for granted, please allow me to fix this once”


Hey,cool down
Make yourself clear if she is important.
Express yourself.
One can’t read minds


It’s so sad that you’re having such a hard time right now. Fortunately, even though the pain you’re suffering today feels unique to you, it actually isn’t-

“What has been is what will be,
And what has been done will be done again;
There is nothing new under the sun.” -Ecclesiastes 1:9

This means that if others in similar or even worse conditions found the help they needed to take control of their lives so can you. Question is, what are you willing to give up to become the very best version of yourself?


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