Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Priyanka @diptimayee

I feel low sometimes… But the less u concern about what the others think about u the more u grow… So I don’t care what ppl thinks about me… I love myself a lot

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23
9 replies

That’s great!!


Glad to know that 🙂👏 u doing so well …cuz most of them become conscious about what others think …!! Good going ✨

Sisyphus @sisyphus


Uchiha Itachi @fapsatan

Finally some positivity in this endless depressing posts.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23

Mr.Vamshi Goud @vamshi23

Good 👍 mindset keep going

nikhil gupta @nikhilgup

Thats good😊

nikhil gupta @nikhilgup

Loving yourself is important.

Shahi Arpit @arpitshahi

I know that nothing goes as planned i love myself but sometimes i don’t know why do i hate myself so much because many things happened to me in last 3 months and i am tired about that sometimes it feels like why i am alive what is the meaning in living

Priyanka @diptimayee

Keep patience and go with the flow of the life… accept what happened to you…
Enjoy and be happy in every moment… spend time alone… watch sunsets… Everything will heal with time


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