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I feel helpless โ€ฆ I think about my boyfriend ex more than he does, I saw some of their pictures together now I feel like he does alot more for her but not giving his 100% to me โ€ฆ I feel too sad and disappointed with him ๐Ÿ˜ž

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soul2021
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunshine27
3 replies

Well then you should tell him how you feel bcz it will lead to a big fight and you should talk to him communication is the key talk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soul2021

May be he loves you a lot but donโ€™t want to put that much efforts back to you bcoz ultimately he got disappointment ,even after doing that much.
It happens ,I too scare of putting efforts in my new relationship just bcoz of my bad past experience(Ex).
It doesnโ€™t mean I donโ€™t love my boyfriend. I express my love with small gestures but yeah not madly like before.
As we grow old ,we handle things more maturely .
So take it lightly, donโ€™t stress over it.
Hope you understand and have a healthy relationship. ๐Ÿค

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunshine27

Can you change him or what he does? But you can change your perspective by loving yourself a little more. He doesnโ€™t care. Why do you? Move on buddy.


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