Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel disappointed in myself. I know wasting my time, won’t do any good. But I still do it for some reason. My parents scold me saying to work more hard or I would have a bad future. I know their right but I still waste my time knowing the results. I don’t know why. I think something’s wrong with me. My friends have given up on me. So now, I only talk with my family and two other people. I really want to work hard even though there’s like only two months left for a huge exam. I know I still can do it but I don’t. I still waste my time doing unnecessary stuff. Sometimes I wonder, if there’s someone to support me daily, I won’t be like this. But there’s no such who would be there for you. You only got you. Saying this, I realized the truth in it. I wanna be strong, I wanna work hard for a good future. I don’t know how I’m going to do it if I stay like this.

2 replies

hey buddy I get ur situation really well coz trust me ik I definitely know this I’m going through the same, its hard to focus on one thing when lots of thing on around uh but ik uh can do it! coz uh have something inside that want to come out nd solve ur every problem so ill say focus on urself nd ofc we all r there for uh…whenever uh need us!


Thank you. It means a lot ! I believe in you too


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