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One Sided LoveThought


I feel bad for expressing myself and telling secrets to a guy who I had just met. I feel terrible today. For the past one month or so I can’t focus on my studies. I feel helpless. I feel I won’t get anybody who will love me back.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yzeck
6 replies

Hey there this is just a phase I guess and we all feel this at some point of life but you always have your family loving you and we never know who loves us or who is waiting for us so it’s ok we can’t change anything that has already happened right we can only be positive in present and future and always make sure that if anything is good or you have done any mistake not to repeat it again


Yeah but I feel awful these days… am I overreacting?
That person also shared their story and some secrets… but I feel I shouldn’t have said anything. I feel awful these days… things that make me happy are not making me happy anymore…


No not at all you’re not overacting and it’s fine it’s natural to be like this ofcourse when too much is happening around you will feel awful maybe just think that he also shared secrets and you too and I don’t think so it’s wrong or anything if y’all talk more maybe you’ll be fine and trust the other person

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yzeck

Yzeck @yzeck

Even I’m kinda like this why I always outflow all my emotions and share my feelings to freshers in my life this is what I mostly regret …


Hmm… what do you do then? How do you get rid of that feeling?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yzeck

Yzeck @yzeck

Ig whatever happens it happens for a reason so I try to connect or vibe more with that person and try to bring him on the same page like u share what u feel 😅 if he/she shares which u’ll come to know by their talks that is it fake or true,at that time u decide that is it worthy sharing the thing wid this person coz some r like they don’t have much problems in their life and they head urs coz they wanna know the experience 🙌🏻so it’s good to share but to ryt person


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