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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel alone…i can’t tolerate people… whenever im alone i think about the people i hate and get angry and punch the wall and scream…i Dont have a stable mind…i feel very odd among the normal…i want live a normal life like a normal peroson

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tomiisnothere
12 replies

Don’t think about people half of your problem will get solved.


That’s my problem…i have very traumatic pasts… That’s stopping me from living my life…im trying very hard… But i end up crying or angry everyday


Surround yourself with good people, have healthy habits & keep yourself busy♥️


I tried everything…now i feel i don’t deserve to be in this world… I’m just so fucked up


Relax you’re overthinking. Keep yourself calm. You should sleep now.

prashanth @prashanthtrekie

I wish I can sleep…but i can’t


Now idk what to do😅


Haha i appreciate ur help… thank you…how are you … Hws life treating you?


Thanks for asking I’m good.


Glad to hear that…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tomiisnothere

Bruh_itz_tomii @tomiisnoth...

Don’t think like that, it’s not an healthy habit. Like everyone and everything is amazing some way yk. I know life is hard for you and is painful but just remember, one day your life will shine and one day you will smile and be happy. Look in the bright side. I don’t know you and I can’t feel your pain, but there’s people like you around the world is the same as you no need to feel alone. Find people you can share and trust, best to have real people then fake people. Fuck everything and just focus on your life. Ignore the negative, and focus on the positivity. Always smile and happy. Life is hard and painful I know but you are strong you got this. Even if life break you, you stand up and be strong and show life why you stand up and why you are strong. Look everything in life that hurt your and break you down, just be happy what you have rn and focus on it. Watch movies, read a book, take naps, workout, listen to music and relax. It help me through life. I always feel alone and just don’t know what to do yk. But I always think to myself one day I will find people who cares and loves me the way I am. Keep trying In life, don’t give up. Fight it and never give up on anything.


Thank you so much for your words…i wish i was with people like you…


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