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I failed an exam today and I feel hopeless. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll be able to bring my grade up in order to pass this class. Because of this, Iโ€™ll be a year behind in my program. I donโ€™t even know if I want to continue in this program or if itโ€™s even for me. Iโ€™m scared to explain to my parents because they expected me to graduate in 4 years but I donโ€™t think itโ€™s even possible to anymore.
I feel like Iโ€™m having an existential crisis as well. I didnโ€™t research careers well enough when going to college, I kind of picked a major out of the convenience of job security rather than personal preference. Whenever I try studying, the material doesnโ€™t interest me and Iโ€™d waste time staring at the ceiling and thinking about less important things. I feel so lost.

1 reply

Well friend you and me are a lot alike in that regard. When I was 18 I went off to college in a different state. it was going all right but I felt like I was wasting my time I wasnโ€™t taking classes that pertained to what I wanted to do and it really was a real low point for me. I got back home on break and I decided not to go back to college and right now I am currently sitting at 3 years still unsure about what I want to do. today I decided to turn down a job that would have paid well but I didnโ€™t think that I would enjoy it and I really think that that is the most important thing that someone can consider when getting a new career.this fall I want to go back to school and tomorrow I think Iโ€™m going to talk to someone about getting classes scheduled because every time I walk through Kroger and I see all the new school supplies Iโ€™m itching to get back into it and learn something do something worthwhile. honestly if youโ€™re able to my advice would be to back out now while your debt is still low and figure out what you want to do. I I moved out and Iโ€™m currently living on my own at some starting job and itโ€™s giving me the time to think about what I want to do I went originally to school for genetics and biology. And I really think that I want to do something along those lines. I donโ€™t know if I want to invest 12 plus years of my life to get a doctorate like I originally wanted to but I think thatโ€™s becoming more and more okay with me. I grew up needing to be perfect I was the star child a+ student that you know and then when you hit the real world itโ€™s a big Cliff that you fall off of. I hope the best for you and if you need to talk about anything any further reach out please!


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