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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

I dont who need to know this but…

The term ‘HYPER INDEPENDENCE’ is a result of TRAUMA.
‘I dont need anyone’ and ‘I will just do it myself’ really means…
My ability to trust has been injured by people systemically failing me and letting me down

But dear friend , You need people, We all do :)


Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911
10 replies

No doubt about it.
But we should also leave them alone if they say so I guess, because personal space is also important and when they see they can trust, they will. I hope and wish. (For myself too)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

leaving them alone, and letting them handle their life are two different things.
i dont believe in leaving people alone


Do you believe in imposing yourself?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

no … i just believe in being available they need me


Yeah you can be available and sit in another room or just at a distance or leave them with their thoughts until they ask you to sit with them. I understand where you’re coming from and it’s out of compassion and empathy but sometimes we have to do things that are hard for us, that is letting people figure themselves and their life out without influencing them and ofc being always a call or near enough so they can reach you whenever they want. We need to trust others to know what’s best for them too, just live we think we do for them and ourselves. I had to learn this myself, that sometimes we suffocate people by not giving them space for themselves.
Rest ofc you’re your own person I’m sure you’ll figure this out for yourself and do what’s best for the one you want to care for and best for you when it’s for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

“ofc being always a call or near enough so they can reach you whenever they want”…Thats what i said

Technically you cant babysit an adult no matter person is depressed or not


I have and not just once, so I disagree with you on baby sitting an adult.
But glad we agree on the other things

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

yeah … honestly i cant babysit adults…
i lack patience and empathy. :)


You’re a lucky one! :D 🙌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dexter0911

Mr. Wick @dexter0911

yeah … there balance of being unlucky as well 🤣🤣🤣


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