Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I don’t want to do anything, I don’t want to get, I don’t want to work, why the f:k I am still alive. I am nothing, I do nothing, nothing called life in me. Why then why??? What do I do by waking up everyday?? Just passing on days, months , years, and a decade. Why ?! What’s the point.

5 replies

Going through the same thing buddy. I just don’t have the courage to end it thinking about my family.


Same o same. But I can’t even tell them anything. They don’t know anything.


I don’t know when it gets better like people say. Life just feels like a loop of tasks I have to go through each day.


Yeah. Idk too even if it get better. Like maybe for some time. But not forever. Its a loop to back to same old thoughts, emotions, sad part of you.

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