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I don’t wanna talk to my friends ( they fake asf ) . basically, it’s a trio but I feel left out and they always keep back bitching about me and they even said it on my face. they don’t like my boyfriend, they don’t like when I defend my boyfriend. my mom and dad don’t like my friends.
but my boyfriend who is also my best friend told me to walk away but I can’t.
I even don’t wanna talk to my boyfriend I feel like he is too good for me.
I don’t deserve him he can date any pretty girl so why me.
I’m average looks, studies, and personality.
everyone feels annoying lately

8 replies

Eh, you seems annoying af


Hey I guess you are annoying af for commenting something inappropriate


Who asked💁🏻‍♀️


So about your friends I recommend you just leave them or talk less to them , you must be feeling low and down after talking to them, so it’s better not to talk to those who put us down. And if you’re bf is good than start spending more time with him , maybe he is a good person and he wishes for your good. You definitely deserve everything, you just can’t judge yourself on the basis of how you look, maybe your bf likes you might be special, you might be beautiful to him , there’s probably something so good about you that made him like you.


I liked what u written as a piece of advice


If you keep listening to your friends you will always feel down , because they are not right you have to know you are RIGHT

vishnu kanhan @vishnu_kanh...

Hey just try making new friends. Just talk to some like minded people. Take time before making close friendships. I can suggest you a book " how to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

Also if you and your boy friend really love each other don’t give up. Ask him why he loves you.

Have a great day.


First take your time. Calm down and then reflect on what I am about to say. You cannot control what others are saying or doing but you can control your actions. Try to think if there’s anything that you are doing wrong which might be causing even 5% to their actions. If you find a fault, don’t counter it with justification. Just learn from it and work on it. Your part done! Now avoid talking to people who make you feel bad about yourself. If because of them your mental health is being compromised then it’s much better to stay away from them. There is a book called THE SECRET which is based on the LAW OF ATTRACTION. It says how you feel is a result of how you are thinking. And what you are thinking you attract in your life. All of us emit frequency from our thoughts and attract things in our life with same frequency. Think good about yourself and people will also like you. As for your boyfriend, if he is with you, it means he loves you. He loves you means he found something good in you and fell for it. Everybody has flaws and he too must have flaws that you are choosing to overlook. Sometimes insecurities and feeling like you don’t deserve the other person cause more damage to the relationship. Understand that he loves you and that’s it! Be happy and cheerful. Love yourself and the world will love you. ❤️


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