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Jennifer @jennifer728

I don’t really know and like venting but i mean why not idk how to say this but i don’t like myself since I was just a little girl I wasn’t perfect enough for my parents or no one around me . So I started distancing myself yk to have space but it only made it worse ,I’ve decided that I’m the problem that Im suffering because of me ,and no one will ever like me because I don’t even like myself .I’m unlovable, I would rather sleep then go through with the world I feel comfort in that .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

I always had the same thoughts like you…I kept distancing myself from everyone but in the end…I kinda felt very lonely and I started suffering loneliness. So, I would like to say you to have good friends who you could always talk with …don’t distance yourself from them.

Take care 🧡


Distancing yourself from others not gonna help you. It will make your situation worse. To want to be loved or acknowledged spend time with family & friends sooner or later you will feel good. Meet your friends whenever you can or try to make new friends. Read books.Taking yourself away from others can’t be a solution.


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