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I dont knw what im going through im in a relationship for past 2 years after finishing 3 months i understood that he is having a controlling behaviour and i thought it was caring and days passing only i started to notice his changes i cant chat with my friends and even i can’t go out with them . If i do anything like this he will tell me you dont value me . I thought it was out of love . He started making me possessive and jealous which was not in my dicto he injected it over me. And he started to mentally and emotionally abuse me and i went through severe depression and i have went through this all things and even i cant think about leaving him . Now He says he dont want me he have a new girlfriend but first I couldn’t digest it and when I started realising its the truth and started to move on. he saying why are you doing like this thats why im behaving like this i cant understand him . He made me stop my bachelors through emotionally abusing and now i again restarted my education and im trying to build my own world. Now he came again and he is flattering me and then he will say i dont love you i dont want you . I will not marry you. he started to mess again I dont knw what to do?? He just controlling me . Im a emotional type he is using it I wanna get out of it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t4lk
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @t4lk

Hmm @t4lk

He’s controlling you as long as you’re letting him to control you…the remote is in your hand…all you need is mental strength and guts to press the button of the remote…and the remote is yours…the control is yours…
Look… Analyse…Realize…does he give you happiness? No? Then why are you letting him to bother you?
You just can’t leave him? No! You can! You’re just habitual of him and kind hearted…
But enough is enough!!


Thanks yaar but few days ago i came out of it ! Okay let him go on his way but he is coming after me saying that he dont want me but his actions are like you bother me i dont allow you to leave i dont want you but you cant be anyones else… He is literally using my innocence and i knw it but then also i feel sad for him… and i’ll again flattered over his words… i need a way to stop flattering over him…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t4lk

Hmm @t4lk

He does it because he feels like powerless, he feels like he’s losing control and then he becomes like a cry baby and takes advantage of your kind heart.
He just wants attention and he’s a male dominant maniac who wants to control things around him and people around…he gets anxious once people around him stop giving a shit about him… He’s a attention seeker…but not a keeper…
You just can’t snatch someone’s attention…you gotta attract it and you gotta be a nice person to do it…


Yaaa dude 🥺… after reading your words i understand first i wanna grab some mental strength which i doesn’t have then not trusting his words anymore because he doesn’t keep his actions upto his words thanks yaar for helping out me !😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t4lk

Hmm @t4lk

Anytime anonymous!😊


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