Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I dont know why life is so tough…
I wish it could be a lot easier.

1 reply

Everytime I think this way that you are thinking, I tell myself something (this is a secret way to make myself feel better). I tell myself that somewhere out there in the world there is a girl who is struggling with her life as she is a from a poor family and her parents are no more. I tell myself, somewhere in the world there is a boy who has locked himself in a room as his parents are always fighting and always hurt him in this process. Please don’t see the negativity I typed out here. I only want to tell you that you are not the only one who is facing so many problems with life and there are many people who go through things 10 times worse than what you are going through everyday. All you have to do is tell yourself to keep going as the time is not going to stop for you. I hope this helps. Sorry if you felt like I used harsh signs or situations. Have a wonderful day!


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